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Check The Status of Your Live Scan
Background Check Services. Our California-based Live Scan Fingerprinting Services. Instant Transmission for Faster Results!
What is the expected turnaround time for my results?
Within 7 to 10 days, you, your employer, or your organization should receive your Live Scan Results.
The outcome of your Live Scan submission is not the responsibility of CLS.
What shows up on a live scan background check?
Only records linked to the following categories are released via Live Scan, according to California law:
Crimes involving the exploitation of children or the exploitation of the elderly.
Offenders who have committed sexual offenses.
Convictions or incarcerations for theft, robbery, burglary, or any other felony in the last ten years.

What is the procedure for checking the status of my Live Scan results?
Applicants from California:
You must contact your "Requesting Agency," the information for which can be found on the Request for Live Scan form that you used when submitting your live scan transaction.
You can verify the status of your live scan by going to the DOJ website here.
The following information is required:
Date of your birth (DOB)
The Automated Transaction Identifier (ATI) number, which may be found at the bottom of the Live Scan Applicant Request form, is ten digits long.
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